Captivating day in Desert National Park
All in a day’s capture in the parched lands of Desert national park.

I am not sure whether someone was using it because it was locked. I am a great believer that architecture should mimic or merge with the landscape i.e match colors , texture and shape. I was very happy that these did not ruin the landscape rather they added to the beauty of the Desert National Park.

Almost everyone who goes to the desert would love a camel picture and I am not different either. While I loved the visual I was not all impressed by the way the people treated the camel. I believe no animal in the world like to be pulled the way they pulled ! Infact we were pestered by local tourist operators to ride on a camel which we strongly refused.

Calotropis procera – This desert native is so well adapted to the surrounding that they are found from North Africa to China.In the desert they stand up and grow to even a small tree.

This is what a desert landscape looks like. A little bit of vegetation and little bit of sand and a few short stunted trees or half grown bushes. The common theme is that all of them lack the green because of the absence of water.

Trying to capture the landscapes of the barren land sometimes can be very difficult particularly because of the fact that heat starts to distort the images at the far end. We were using a point and shoot which failed miserably and all we had from that camera was wavy images !

Probably my favorite of them all. Chinkara is an antelope which seems to thrive here. We were searching for the Great Indian Bustard when this guy ran out of the hiding . I was quick enough to capture it only because I was super alert for the Bustard.

Sitting on the sand dunes and watching sunsets will always be a memorable experience for us. While I would have ideally wanted a huge tree in the foreground for a silhouette I had to work with what I could see. I normally hate transmission towers spoiling a landscape but for this I will take an exception for the day!

A sudden surprise…A flock of Demoiselle cranes on their way. We were not hoping to see them in the trip at all. What a sight for us. To put in perspective from a birder’s side it is the excitement equivalent to that of winning a hard game of cricket. We were literally jumping !
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